The Freedom Pact

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#192: Niall Ferguson - Historian's Thoughts On Covid-19, Political Divisions & The Next Disaster

Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) is one of Britain's most renowned historians. He is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a senior faculty fellow of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard, and a visiting professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Niall's latest book is called 'Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe'.

Topics Discussed:
- Niall's reaction to Dominic Cummings latest press conference
- The UK's response to Covid-19
- Which countries handled Covid-19 the best
- Niall's thoughts on the current political divisions
- Are we more divided than ever?
- Is social media dividing us?
- Has academia become skewed?
- What is the next catastrophe that we will face?

Links:​​ (video interviews)​​ (Healthy, Wealthy & Wise)​​